Friday, March 4, 2011

Remember the Titans

I chose to review LMX and path-goal theories for my next blog post. I wanted to review it because it covers task and relationship which I think are both important.  I decided to watch the movie “Remember the Titans” instead of watching a tv show because it stuck out in my head as soon as I was reading over the LMX and path-goal theories. Denzel Washington demonstrates the LMX theory with the three phases of leadership which begins in phase 1: Stranger which entails quality exchanges, contractual relationships, the leaders pushes down, and the followers do not trust but  are willing to follow for certain benefits. Denzel Washington comes into this newly desegregated high school to coach the football team. The team members do not get along and do not trust him at first but are willing to follow him only because they want to play football. Next comes phase 2: Acquaintance- Medium quality exchanges begin to happen, as well as testing of relationship, members begin to trust each other , and focus on the good of the group. Denzel Washington attempts to get the team to connect with each other. During a particular practice, the two leaders of the team finally start to get along, showing a positive example to their fellow teammates, and begin working together on the field as one unit. The team still has reservations about their coach but realize he is pushing them so hard for the good of the group. Lastly phase 3: Partnership which deals with high quality exchanges, negotiations, reciprocating influences, and the group interested motives on both sides. Denzel Washington and his team finally reach a partnership and an understanding of each other. They negotiate with each other on the field as well as set aside their difference of color and become friends off the field as well.

1 comment:

  1. I love Remember the Titans! That is one movie I can watch over and over, and I definitly dont do that often! I find myself always relating these theories to that movie. It is so inspirational to me because of how big the movement is. Thank god for Coach Boone! He really made an impact in those boys' lives, especially the ones whose parents are racist.
