Friday, March 4, 2011

More about Theories!

In this class we have learned many different theories about leadership and are still exploring which ones we agree or don’t agree with. There have been many different ideas from the past that explains what makes a true leader a leader.  Fiedler created the Contingency Model which proposes that leaders are either task-oriented or relationship oriented, one or the other, never both.  He uses a scale known as the LPC (least preferred co-worker) to determine which type of leader one is, task or relationship.
The Situational Leadership Model was created by a man named Blanchard. His theory of leadership is quite different from Fiedler in the way that Blanchard believes a leader will change his or her leadership style depending on a given situation. Similarly to Fiedler’s Contingency Model it is based on a scale of high or low relationship or high/low with task. I personally agree with Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model. I believe a leader can be more of a relationship oriented person but be able to change into a task oriented person when the time calls for it. I find myself a high relationship oriented person but when working in groups and something needs to be done I can change into a task-oriented person very quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same approach as you Erin. I like to go the relationship path, but when it calls for it I can be task oriented. Like you said there are situations in life where you can't take a relationship approach and i've learned that as i've grown older.
